Sat 12th & Sun 13th
October 2024
Experience the Art of Crafting with
F.Y.I Craft Show!
The best craft stores of NZ in one place!
Two days of Creative Fun.
Mini Tutorials.
Technical classes.
Gorgeous location, and great food!

Sir Don Rowlands Event Centre
Mighty River Domain, Lake Karāpiro,
601 Maungatautari Road,

Supporting Women's Refuge
Once again you will be able to help us to support Women's Refuge. It's so easy to have such a positive impact on so many women and children's lives. The volume of donations of products and money we have received over 2022 and 2023 was fantastic, and we want to do it again.
As we continue to navigate the economic impact on all of our lives right now. For some, sadly, it means that some women are not safe in their own homes. Women's Refuge is there for these ladies in their time of need. We at FYI are proud to be able to lighten that burden just a little by making their stay at a refuge center just a little bit easier.
With your help we can make someone's day a little brighter.